QuickRad Summary Guidelines

The focus of QuickRad will always be to summarize but not replace the original articles. We encourage reading of the original article and use of the summaries for review. You must follow the following guidelines for summary submissions.

Technical requirements

Summary length

500-750 words

(short points with minimal excess words)

Summary format

You will be required to submit the plain text of the summary as well as a document version.

Accepted formats: .pdf .docx


All summaries should be text-based. Please do not include any images.


Summary sections must be separated by bolded headings


12 pt Arial Font

Single spaced


All citations in MLA format including DOI.

Summary title

Keep the title short (50-100 characters)

Selecting articles for summaries

  • Choose articles in peer-reviewed journals with high-yield educational points suitable for radiologists to use at the time of reporting

  • Educational articles and Primary Research Papers are of interest (ex: How to differentiate fibroid from leiomyosarcoma)

  • Recent and up-to-date articles

  • Relevant for general and subspecialty radiology practice 

  • Not entirely dependent on images (text summaries only)

  • For research articles, consider focusing on articles which, after you read them, convince you to make a meaningful change in your practice. This could be a change in the way you protocol a study, perform a procedure, or interpret a finding going forwards.

The ideal QuickRad summary

Our main goal is to present key teaching points and the most important information from radiology research publications. We believe that the best summaries are those with key information presented in a concise manner (no excess). Additionally, we value summaries that present key points for use at the time of reporting (ex. size cutoffs for abdominal aneurysms).

All summary submissions are reviewed internally by staff general and subspecialty radiologists for summary integrity and brevity against the original article. 

QuickRad will not tolerate any forms of plagiarism. All summary submissions must be your own original work. Your submissions may be checked through software for plagiarism. Additionally, all summaries must not skew the content of the original publication in any way. Full terms and conditions for QuickRad Guidelines are listed below.


  • Yes, you can use bullet points. The goal is to ensure the summary is concise and easy to read whether that is using full sentences or bullet points.

  • QuickRad is focused on provide text-based summaries for now. Image support may be available in the future.

  • Yes, you can work with others. All summary authors will be credited on the same page. Only one author has to submit — you can indicate other summary authors on the submission page.

  • 100% free.

  • Submitting a summary to QuickRad is voluntary. You will NOT be compensated for any summaries that you submit and/or are accepted. You will only be given attribution/credit.

    Please review our terms and conditions found on this page and the submission page.

  • No, we encourage all healthcare professionals to submit. All submissions are reviewed by radiologists to ensure integrity and brevity against the original article.

You must agree to QuickRad Terms & Conditions in order for your summary to be considered for submission