Welcome to QuickRad Beta.

Help us create the optimal version of QuickRad by becoming a member of our beta testing program. As a beta tester, you will have early access to QuickRad and its new features/programs, as well as the opportunity to provide necessary feedback to improve the platform.


How it works:

Step 1: Enrol

In order to get started with the QuickRad Beta program, please complete the sign-up form at the bottom of the page.

Terms & Conditions:

QuickRad Beta is free to participate in, however, users should keep in mind that enrolling in the QuickRad Beta Testing Program is voluntary. You will not be compensated and/or credited for any feedback, contribution, idea submissions, feature requests, etc. QuickRad reserves the rights to remove your participation from the Beta Testing Program at any time. QuickRad Beta Testing Program has a limited user-base therefore it may only be offered if space is available. Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected by QuickRad. None of your personal information will be shared. QuickRad will use your email as a way to send you feedback requests in which feedback will be collected anonymously. The information presented on QuickRad is meant for educational and information purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, and any other related categories. By enrolling in the Beta Testing Program, you agree to these terms. If you do not accept the terms and conditions in the sign-up form, you will automatically be discarded from the Beta Testing Program and your personal information will be removed. In order to unenroll from the Beta Testing Program, you must email us this request. These terms and conditions may be updated and/or modified.


Step 2: Provide feedback

You will receive emails periodically from QuickRad asking you to answer some questions for feedback. This can be in the form of surveys, written responses, multiple choice, or other formats. Although we are using the email you provided to us to send you feedback questions, your feedback will be anonymous. Feedback is voluntary, however, choosing to submit feedback can help us to improve QuickRad as much as we can! None of your personal information will be shared.


Step 3: Ending the beta testing program

After a specified period of time, the beta testing program will come to an end. Users will no longer be receiving feedback emails as we transition QuickRad out of the beta testing phase. Your information may be used to convey information about future announcements, beta programs, promotions, etc.

If you would like us to NOT use the information you provided for announcements, programs, promotions, etc., please submit this request.


Ready to start testing QuickRad?