Clinical Significance of US Artifacts

Summary author: Nadiv Hossain

Summary editor: Zonia Ghumman, M.D.

Original publication details

Authors: Michael Baad, Zheng Feng Lu , Ingrid Reiser, David Paushter


Reference: Baad, M., Lu, Z. F., Reiser, I., & Paushter, D. (2017). Clinical significance of US artifacts. RadioGraphics, 37(5), 1408–1423.

Artifacts due to beam and resolution

Beam-width artifact 

Occurs due to poor lateral resolution

Lateral blurring of point target occurring as echoes from same target are insonated at adjacent beam positions

Improved by dynamic beam focusing, multiple transmit focal zones, increasing frequency, focal zone placement, or local speed of sound selection 

Section thickness artifact

Occurs due to poor elevational resolution  

Low level echoes in an anechoic structure 

Mimics debris in anechoic structures (e.g. mimics debris in bladder or sludge in gallbladder); causes aberrant internal echoes in small cysts and vessels

Improved by positioning the area of interest in focal zone with standoff pad or acoustic standoff of gel or using 1.5D or 2D transducer arrays 

Axial resolution

Ability to discriminate two adjacent points along the axial direction

Objects spaced less than one-half of the spatial pulse length will not be able to be resolved as separate

Improve resolution by choosing a higher frequency 

Speckle noise

Granular appearance of an US image is caused by constructive and deconstructive interferences of ultrasound waves interacting with microstructures in tissues 

Degrades spatial and contrast resolution. Reduces image contrast and lesion detectability. However, it also gives tissues their characteristic image texture 

Can be reduced by speckle reduction imaging, spatial compound imaging, or tissue harmonic imaging 

Secondary lobe artifact (Side lobes and Grating lobes)

Arises from reflections of unwanted ultrasound energy directed off-axis from the main beam 

Side lobe:

Sound energy emitted at angles outside of the primary beam

Grating lobe:

Far off-axis grating lobe results in error in position the returning echoes

Compared to side lobes, grating lobes occur at more oblique angles (up to 90 degrees)

Mimics debris in anechoic structures 

Side lobe artifacts can be reduced by repositioning patients, changing transducer angle, or reducing gain. Tissue harmonic imaging reduces grating lobes artifacts. 


Reflections between highly reflective surfaces in parallel

Appears as multiple bright parallel lines at uniform intervals that decrease in intensity with increasing depths

Mimics debris within cystic structures

May be useful in identifying air in abnormal locations such as pneumatosis, pneumoperitoneum, or pneumobilia 

Improved by using tissue harmonic imaging, decreasing gain, changing angle of insonation, and using multiple windows

Artifacts due to location (path or speed)

Comet Tail

Subtype of reverberations

Reverberations from so closely spaced highly reflective interfaces that individual echoes are not discernible

Appears as tapering echogenic triangle or cone distal to a strongly reflective structure

Helpful to identify adenomyomatosis, colloid nodules, calcifications, metal objects (foreign bodies, surgical clips, intrauterine devices)

May be more visible by using tissue harmonic imaging 

Becomes less visible by using spatial compound imaging 

Ring Down

Subtype of reverberations

Resonant vibrations within air bubbles 

Helpful to identify: abnormal air such as abscesses, pneumoperitoneum, portal venvous gas, emphysematous infections, pneumobilia; normal air in bowel loops, appendix; B-lines on lung US for diagnosis of interstitial conditions

Improved by using spatial compound imaging  

Mirror Image 

Reflections off a strong specular reflector pro- duce a mirror image of an object 

A portion of the beam is reflected from the target back along transmitted course, again off the specular reflector, and back to the transducer

Mimics abnormal pathologic conditions such as lesions adjacent to the diaphragm appearing as equidistant on opposite sides of the diaphragm, pseudothickened bowel wall or consolidated lung 

Improved by decreasing gain, changing angle of insonation, or using multiple imaging windows 

Multipath artifact

Occurs due to small off-axis reflections on path to or from primary reflector

These artifacts are relatively minor and cause general image degradation rather than appearing as discrete artifacts

May be altered by varying the angle of insonation or imaging window 


Refraction at oblique interfaces causes altered location of objects, duplication of underlying structures, and/or shadowing at edges 

Most pronounced at highly oblique interfaces, such as the lateral aspect of a curved surface, and with interfaces between substances such as fat and muscle with large differences in speeds of sound 

This principle underlies misregistration, ghosting, edge shadowing

Misregistration: Edges of structures and relationships of objects may actually slightly different than they appear

Ghosting: Deep structure may appear in duplicate or triplicate

Edge shadowing: Edge of a large curved boundary appearing as hypoechoic parallel lines projecting distal to the edges of the structure

False position of lesions during biopsy, can mimic duplication of structures (gestational sac, spinal cord, aorta), cyst characterization by using edge shadowing 

Improved by varying angle of insonation or imaging window 

Speed of sound artifacts 

A constant speed of sound is used to calculate depth in soft tissues, but there actually is variability among different tissues

If speed of sound in tissue is less, it will take longer for the echo to be received and will be displayed as if it originated from a more distant target

If speed of sound in tissue is greater, the echo will appear closer

Composed of boundary distortion, misregistration of targets, errors in size, and phase aberration

Inaccurate locations and measurements of structures in axial dimension, loss of lateral resolution, bayonet artifact 

Modern US units allow manual speed of sound correction

Range ambiguity

Echoes deep to imaging range are depicted within range on the next pulse

Mimics debris in large fluid-filled structures

Improved by decreasing pulse repetition frequency, reducing the number of focal zones, increasing the image depth 

Increased through transmission

Increased intensity of echoes distal to a low-attenuating structure 

Distal tissues appear echogenic

Helps to differentiate cystic from solid structures

May be increased by using tissue harmonic imaging 

Artifacts due to attenuation characteristics

Acoustic shadowing

Reduction in echo strength distal to a highly attenuating or reflective object

Seen with calcifications, bone, and gas

Clean shadowing seen with large calculi and bone

Partial shadowing seen with fat or smaller calculi

Dirty shadowing seen with gas

Increases with increased frequency and tissue harmonic imaging; decreases with inappropriate focal zone placement, excessive beam width, and spatial compounding imaging  


Baad, M., Lu, Z. F., Reiser, I., & Paushter, D. (2017). Clinical significance of US artifacts. RadioGraphics, 37(5), 1408–1423.